Monday, May 29, 2006

Committee 150 Public Launch!


WHAT: An important announcement regarding an initiative to raise funds for the stabilization of the former St. Joseph's Church.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 31 at 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: St. Joseph's Park, First & Ten Broeck Streets, Albany
(one block northwest of the Palace Theatre)

More than 90 individuals and organizations have joined Committee 150, a committee with no meetings, no minutes, and no minutiae. A number of Committee 150 members will be at St. Joseph’s Park in Albany’s historic Arbor Hill neighborhood on Wednesday, May 31, to announce the public phase of their campaign to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the former St. Joseph’s Church, and to raise $150,000 to continue stabilization work on the once-endangered building.

The announcement will take place at Historic Albany Foundation’s Annual Meeting and Preservation Merit Awards reception. Awards will be presented to Washington Avenue Armory for adaptive use; Truman Jewelers & Lodge's for downtown housing rehabilitation; and a number of private residences, including two fire-damaged properties on Madison Place.

The program runs from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., and will feature a presentation by Assemblymember Jack McEneny on the history and significance of the former St. Joseph's Church. The meeting is open to the public and refreshments will be served. There is a suggested donation of $10.

Please call Colleen Ryan at 518-428-9348 (mobile) for more information.


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